Photo Anna Ruotanen
Wanda in the media
Jyväskyläläinen Valtteri Lahti on pelialan kova ammattilainen ja transvestiitti, joka puhkeaa kukkaan Wandana
Keskisuomalainen | 29.4.2023
Valtteri Lahti, 32, on johtaja, fyysikko, opettaja ja transvestiitti
Yle | 28.12.2022
Vaasassa saadaan esimakua siitä, miten pelikulttuuri muuttaa työntekoa – Palkkaa ei silti jatkossakaan makseta koneilla leikkimisestä
Ilkka Pohjalainen | 21.3.2023
Vaasa Game Days on täällä taas – Vaasan yliopiston arcade-pelien kokoelma on kaksi päivää vierailijoiden käytössä
Vaasa Insider | 20.03.2023
Retro arcade games take center stage at University of Vaasa's science fair, promoting education and future learning
Helsinki times | 16.3.2023
Mies naisen vaatteissa ilmaston lämpenemistä vastaan – Katso jyväskyläläislähtöisen dragtaiteilijan lyhytelokuva Wanda ja ilmastokriisi
Keskisuomalainen | 26.9.2019
Tämä drag-taiteilija puhuu tiukkaa asiaa – ilmastokriisistä
QX | 17.9.2017
Photo Gallery
Guidelines and conditions for media
- The photos and logos in the gallery above can be used in news and media stories about me without special permission.
- The image files are co-owned by me and each photographer, and their license is of the type CC (BY-NC-ND).
You may download and use the images under the following conditions:
- Mention me and the photographer in connection with the images you use.
- Do not use the images for commercial purposes.
- Do not make changes to the images, but use only the original files.
Download the desired image(s) or logo(s) from the galleries above as follows:
- Click on the image you want, after clicking, the image will open in full size on the screen.
- Right-click on the opened image and select “Save”.
- Photographer information can be found under each image, which can be displayed by clicking on the image. Photographer information is also found in the file name of the image.
- Do not mislead the reader/viewer (e.g. with questionable word choices or associations) – one can turn out a sensational story about me while abiding by good journalistic ethics.
- As a private individual, I am a transvestite and as a performer, I am a drag artist. Please do justice to me and the minorities I represent by using terms consistently when writing about me.
- I am happy to answer any further questions. Contact me at
Photo Katariina Salmi